The Process - Part One!

Posted by Audra Furuichi on May 23, 2006 12:00 AM

Undoubtedly, just about every artist has their own work process. This week, KS and I will feature a 3-part featurette on our work process. It might give you a little insight to how we do things. :D To start things off, I write my disclaimer: By no means is our way the way to do things. In fact, I highly suggest you find your own way of working that best suits you. From my CultureSHOCK! days, my work process has changed some because working part-digitally gives me the freedom to edit things later on in the finishing phases. If I were to work direct to paper and that would be my final, I would undoubtedly do things somewhat differently~ This is just a means of cataloguing how we work regularly. work00.jpgLet me present to you, KimonoKitsy Studios!

This is our workspace, with KS's desk to the foreground and my space to the back. work01.jpg Next is a closer shot of KS's desk. Notice the gashapon figurines everywhere? As somewhat-regulars of Sean's MechaHawaii, we've managed to amass a small army of cuteness around the studio. o_o! (Most aren't visible in the photos, unfortunately...)

Also, quite the Mac-Fanatic, KS has managed to outfit his set up with a new 15" MacBook Pro (named the PlopperBook Pro) and a nice 24" Dell monitor. This, here is my setup.

Aside from KS' old Powerbook, I recently purchased a block of light-weight wood to draw on. I do all my thumbnail-sized roughs in a composition notebook to quickly plot out the chapter's basic plot or theme. work02.jpg I scribble all sorts of notes by each of the panels to work out the dialogue and spacing/timing. I like to work in month-long themes (roughly 12 strips) at a time. It helps me figure out the best dialogue and keeps continuity throughout all my strips. Not sure if you can tell by my photo, but listed below are some of the materials and tools I use regularly to create my strips:

So, for the most part, that's my line-up of work materials. There are few other things like KS's rapidograph set and mechanical pencils, but these are my basic standard art supply list to create my strips. Next up? A little more in-depth with the materials, how I use them, and... panel work!

Head on over to Part Two!

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