Episode 914 - Seeing Things

Seeing Things

August 29, 2012| Permalink | Comic Archive

Follow the facts, Yellow Jacket!

The pup contest is underway! We've already received a few entries! I hope you plan to enter as well! Info can be found at the nemu*blog!

Contest is open to all ages worldwide and will close on September 8th for preliminary judging!

Comic Transcription

Seeing Things

panel 1: Yellow Jacket lands on the outskirts of the property.
Yellow Jacket: Yes, let's.

panel 2: She decides to scope the place out first.
Yellow Jacket: This is a strange place for Space Cow to choose as a secret base. Maybe spectral analysis will tell me more...

panel 3: She turns on her spectral lenses.

panel 4: She notices the driveway...
Yellow Jacket: This driveway hasn't been used for a while...

panel 5: and the mansion.
Yellow Jacket: Nothing unusual about the house. It's just a deserted mansion...

panel 6: Her meter is glowing bright...
Yellow Jacket: But my meter is off the charts.

panel 7: but she's just not sure about that mansion.
Yellow Jacket: Space Cow's stench has lead me here... this has GOT to be the place.