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It doesn't take much to distract Anpan, but once it's time to eat watch him go! But what about Nemu?
It doesn't take much to distract Anpan, but once it's time to eat watch him go! But what about Nemu?
Panel 1: Anpan is sitting on his favorite cushion, watching a new episode of Battle Star Wars Gattica.
Anpan: Ah-ha! Dat was a good show!
Panel 2: Anpan stands up when he notices the smell of pizza in the air...
Anpan: *sniff* *sniff* FOOD!
Panel 3: Anpan runs into the kitchen where Anise is preparing lunch.
Anpan: Ani! Ish it pizza time yet???
Anise: In a few minutes... say- where's Nemu?
Panel 4: Only after Anise asks him the question does Anpan realize what he's done! Anpan holds his head and yells!
Anpan: Oh my pizza! Anpan forget Nemu!