Comic Transcription
Who's the Boss?
panel 1: Yellow Jacket points the way to the other side of the HQ
Yellow Jacket: Alright. You two go that way. There's another tunnel that leads to a side chamber. See what you can salvage from the debris. I'll secure the perimeter and make sure no one has detected our presence on the island.
Crimson Scarab: Okay, BOSS.
panel 2: Scarab wants to know if:
Crimson Scarab: Any other booby traps you wanna tell us about?
panel 3: Yellow Jacket realizes that her sister is a bit perturbed...
Yellow Jacket: eh-heh...
panel 4: Cyan Cicada and Crimson Scarab venture off...
Yellow Jacket: I'm sure that quake triggered the last of them...
Crimson Scarab: Let's hope we don't have to find out the HARD WAY...
panel 5: Yellow Jacket waves goodbye...
Yellow Jacket: Don't be shy! Call me if you run into some trouble!
panel 6: Scarab is NOT amused!
Crimson Scarab: DON'T COUNT ON IT...