Hawaiian Ai - Plate Lunch

Hawaiian Ai - Plate Lunch

June 23, 2008| Permalink | Comic Archive

Traveling is fun for Kana! While she knows a few words in Hawaiian, nothing prepares her for ordering a plate lunch at a local Hawaii eatery!

Comic Transcription

Hawaiian Ai - Plate Lunch

Panel 1: Kana is standing in line at a local eatery in Hawaii. Nemu is hanging out in her backpack. She gets to the front counter and asks questions about the menu.
Kana: Hi! Could you please tell me what's in your mixed plate special?

Panel 2: The cashier explains what's in todays mixed plate special, counting each item in the plate lunch on his fingers. Kana is startled!
Cashier: Ho brah, todays one is da winnah! Get one beeg cheekin cutlet, broke da mouth teri beef, two scoops rice, mac salad and chili all ova! Supah ono... da buggah stay loaded!

Panel 3: Another person in line reassures Kana while the cashier looks on. Kana is confused and surprised while Nemu looks happy.
Bystander: It's a really big meal!
Kana: Oh! Err... was he speaking english?