Episode 880 - Shooper Bad [Anpan gets to the bottom of the cause of Super Size]

Shooper Bad

April 25, 2012| Permalink | Comic Archive

Anpan pieces the clues together and comes his own conclusion!

Since I've gotten thru almost all of the Kickstarter book orders, I am safe to say I have 2 hardcover editions available for sale. If you are interested in #97 or #98 (of 100), please contact me. They are $50 each, plus s/h (+tax if you live in Hawaii). You can find most of the book drawings up at our Facebook fan page album~

Comic Transcription

Shooper Bad

panel 1: The pups and Sam start walking...
Anpan: Dis shooper size shtuff ish BAD! Soon, PEOPLES ish gonna be shooper sized!

panel 2: Anpan ponders the future if everyone becomes super sized!
Anpan: Ish dis da FUTURE OF DA PLANET?! Everyone gonna live in da SHOOPER SIZED BOTCHA?!?

panel 3: Then he comes to the realization of who's to blame...
Anpan: OH MY PIZZA DATS IT! Dis must be a plot of Shpace Cow!

panel 4: They come upon the billboard of Space Cow and Anpan and Nemu point at him and yell:
Anpan: Da Henshin Pups ish on to Shpace Cow and da Evil of shooper size!!!
Nemu: YEAH!
Billboard: I'm watching you Henshin Rider! Watch Henshin Rider 7pm Wednesdays on SKYPOD