Episode 863 - Jailbirds


March 16, 2012| Permalink | Comic Archive

Do home-bodies really have it easy?

Alright folks! It's Kawaii Kon weekend for us, so here's the usual notices:

1) The nemu*shop will be up and running, but some items are low in stock and may not be able to update immediately if they sell out. If I see an order come in, I will try to pull your order when I catch it.

2) I'll be slow to respond on e-mail inquiries. I'll try and get to them by next week!

3) Kawaii Kon Kickstarter Orders for Pick Up: Most orders will not be filled until Friday evening. You may feel free to ask if your order is ready, but for your best bet, try us on Saturday.

4) Note on location:

This year, Kawaii Kon has moved the dealer's room to the top floor. We're in the same general vicinity -- the back corner from the entrance of Ballroom B. Hope to see you then~ :D

I guess that's all! Enjoy!

Comic Transcription


panel 1: Kana is ready to go...
Kana: Hurry Ani! We're gonna be late!
Anise: I hope you pups realize how lucky you are!

panel 2: Anise ties her shoes
Anise: You've got it made. Staying home and CRUISING ALL DAY LONG.

panel 3: and lectures the pups about the hardships of school.
Anise: Kana and I... We're JAILBIRDS! We got the HARD LIFE. Enjoy your freedom SLACKERS!

panel 4: Anpan and Nemu sip their drinks and relax!
Anpan: Wat Ani talking about? Ish hard work being stuck in da house all day!
SFX: *shlurp*
Nemu: Oooo! Where da birdies?