Anise and Kana have overslept but it's not too late to make it to school on time! But what about the two pups? Oh Noes!
Comic Transcription
Bye Boys!
Panel 1: Anise and Kana are passed out on the dining room table with what appears to be their homework.
Panel 2: They both awaken to realize they overslept!
Kana: OH MY PIZZA! Anise! We Overslept!
Anise: eep!
Panel 3: Anise and Kana quickly change into their school clothes and grab their school bags and project. They leave the house in a huge rush!
Kana: Got the board! Got the "props"??
Anise: Yeah!
Panel 4: "sleeping" nicely in the top drawer are fake Anpan and fake nemu...
Anise: BYE BOYS!