Make Your Own Pizza Doodle Doo! Part 2

Last time we were here, we set out to make your very own Pizza Doodle Doo! We've already chosen our box and arranged our control panel. Let's add some finishing touches to the Pizza Doodle Doo! Anpan and Nemu are going to draw their favorite foods on the side of the box. You can draw anything you want! Use your imagination and make your Pizza Doodle Doo unique!

To learn about what this Pizza Doodle Doo stuff is, go back and read chapter 40 starting here.


Anpan decided to draw his favorite pie... Pizza!


Nemu decided to draw Mr. Grill'd Cheese! What will you draw?

The Pizza Doodle Needs a fast engine, so Nemu and Anpan drew two big ones on the back of the box. Maybe you could build a faster Pizza Doodle Doo than theirs... draw four or maybe FIVE of thrusters instead of just two and be the fastest of them all! Remember, this is YOUR Pizza Doodle Doo, and you can do just about anything you want to it!

The finishing touch for the pups will be the Propeller. Anpan found this plastic thing under Anise's bed along with a screw and a nut. If you can't find these things, don't worry! Just draw your propeller onto the front of the box! The pups work together to get the propellor screwed on.


Whew! That was a lot of work! It's finally done! High Paw! You did it!


Who knows what type of adventures the pups will go on?


The pups also know how to share their ride with some friends. If you don't have Anpan or Nemu, be sure to take the stuffed pals you DO have for a ride in your Pizza Doodle Doo! Fly safe!

Send us photos of your Pizza Doodle Doo! Use our contact page to email us or post them to our Nemu Around the World Flickr Page. Ask your parents for help!

Make Your Own Pizza Doodle Doo! Part 2

Anpan and Nemu show you how to make the Pizza Doodle Doo in part two of this fun project!

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